President Trump joined the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show in June. He told the…
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Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of Covid after Taking Carnival Cruise to Belize – 27 People Total Tested Positive For Covid Aboard Ship – ALL VACCINATED
Getty Images A beloved great grandmother tragically died of Covid after taking a Carnival cruise…
“Go to Hell, Biden!” – Afghans Curse Joe Biden after Infants Are Abandoned by their Parents Outside Kabul Airport (VIDEO)
British, French, US, and Western nations scrambled this week to get their citizens out of…
BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Biden MUST Reinstate Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” Program; Rejects Emergency Application
On Tuesday, The Supreme Court of the United States shot down a last-ditch effort by…
UPDATE: Only 4,407 Americans Rescued from Kabul Out of 58,700 Evacuated Civilians! — That means 10,000 to 20,000 Americans Are Still Remaining? (VIDEO)
According to the Biden regime, 21,000 civilians were evacuated from the Kabul Airport in the…
Oregon Governor Kate Brown In Oregon, Masks will be mandated in “all public outdoor settings…
Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Chris Worrell Calls into Greg Kelly’s Show from Jail – Guards Have Not Given Him Access to His Cancer Drugs for 166 Days! (VIDEO)
Chris Worrell has been held for over five months after firing pepper spray during the…
Who is Calling the Shots Here? Biden Reaffirms Successful Evacuation of Americans Hinges on Taliban Cooperation (Video)
Once again, Feeble Ol’-Joe was hours behind schedule on Wednesday, making everyone wait for him…
“Radicalism We Haven’t Seen Since Lyndon Baines Johnson” – Democrats and Pelosi Pass $3.5 Trillion Spending Plan (VIDEO)
Radicalism we haven’t seen since Lyndon Baines Johnson– On Tuesday afternoon Newsmax host Steve Cortes…
Washington High School Forcing Unvaccinated Student Athletes to Wear Ankle Monitors, Parent Says
A high school in Washington is forcing unvaccinated student athletes to wear ankle monitors in…