President Trump spoke tonight at the “Save America Rally” in Des Moines, Iowa. Trump shredded…
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After Meeting With Pope Francis, Pelosi Flees Rome Church Service in Security Incident…(Hecklers?)
A “security issue” prompted the notoriously pro-choice Catholic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)…
Federal Appeals Court Smacks Down Obama Judge, Temporarily Reinstates “Heartbeat” Abortion Law in Texas
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals court late Friday night temporarily reinstated Texas’ “heartbeat” abortion…
At Least Five REPRODUCTIONS of Hunter Biden’s ‘Art’ Pieces Sold for $75K Each at His LA Pop-Up Show
At least five reproductions of Hunter Biden’s “art” pieces sold for $75,000 each ahead of…
Google has announced that they will be banning ads containing “climate change denial” ahead of…
EPIC! “Let’s Go Brandon” Banner Is Flying Over Trump Rally at Iowa State Fairgrounds (VIDEO)
President Trump is holding a rally tonight at the Iowa State Fairgrounds near Des Moines,…
Husband of Indiana Woman Offering Pole Dancing Classes for 7-Year-Old Kids is a REGISTERED CHILD SEX OFFENDER, According to Reports
An Indiana business is offering pole dancing lessons for children as young as seven-years-old. According…
WATCH: Rand Paul Forecasts Consequences Of Massive Debt And Government Spending: “Inflation” And Possible “Black Swan” Event
The U.S. Government has hit and raised the debt limit year after year ever since…
California Becomes the First State that Requires High School Students to Pass a CRT-Based “Ethnic Studies” Course in Order to Graduate; New Law will Also Apply to Charter Schools
On Friday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill – AB 101- into law that…
LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds “SAVE AMERICA RALLY” at Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines – 7 PM Central – 60,000 Watching
There is a MASSIVE CROWD at the Iowa State Fairgrounds for the “Save America Rally”…