Wisconsin may be the first state to decertify the fraudulent 2020 election after Racine County…
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Just in Time for the Election: Alleged ISIS Terror Threat Prompts Beefed up Security in Northern Virginia
Law enforcement agencies are on alert for an potential ISIS terror attack on shopping malls…
Does McAuliffe Believe He Already Has Enough Stolen Votes to Win… Why Else Would He Drag Out the Mummy?
Republican Glenn Youngkin is up 8 points on Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the latest FOX…
The FDA on Friday approved the Pfizer Covid vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11.…
McAuliffe Campaign, Virginia Democrats Deny Role in False Flag Tiki Torch Stunt at Glenn Youngkin Campaign Stop
The campaign of Democrat candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe denied having a role in the…
US Intel Community Is Totally Corrupt – Says It Won’t Likely Ever Be Able to Tell If China’s COVID-19 Was from an Animal or Was Made in a Lab
The US Intel Community claims they can’t tell if COVID-19 came from an animal to…
Liberal Racism: Harvard Theater Admitting Only ‘Black-Identifying Audience Members’ for Performance of ‘Black Female Power’ Take on Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Harvard’s American Repertory Theater is putting on a segregated for Black people only performance Friday…
Trump-Hating Lincoln Project Takes Credit for Tiki Torch False Flag Stunt Against Youngkin Campaign
The Lincoln Project, a group of pyscho Trump-hating Republican operatives, issued a statement Friday afternoon…
Crazy Al Gore Said the Entire Polor Ice Cap Would be Melted Away in 5 Years – That Was 13 Years Ago… Now He Says We Need to Get Rid of 80% of US Energy Sources
Al Gore is at it again. He claimed the sky was falling years ago and…
Retiring US Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Hyten, says China…