Last night Winsome Sears became the highest-ranking minority woman government official in Virginia’s history. Via…
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Previously, one had to secure a confirmatory tax-free ruling to transfer legal title over certain…
A POWER subsidiary of EEI Corp. has been admitted to the green energy option program…
THE MARKET for fixed-line telecommunications services in the Philippines is projected at $4.7 billion by…
SENATOR Sherwin T. Gatchalian, who chairs the chamber’s energy committee, rejected the Energy department’s claim…
THIRD-QUARTER economic performance will likely exceed expectations despite the tightening of quarantine rules as manufacturing…
THE TRANSPORTATION department said Wednesday that it considers a move to increase capacity in public…
REMINDER: One Year Ago on Election Night 300,000 Votes for Joe Biden Magically Appeared in Virginia to Give Biden the Win
Less than 2 weeks after the 2020 Election we identified massive vote dumps for Joe…
Minneapolis voters on Tuesday rejected replacing the police department with a public safety agency. This…
Why Won’t Networks Call VA Gov Race For Youngkin? Are They Waiting For Suitcases To Arrive At 3 AM?
100 Percent Fed Up – GOP VA gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin has been in the…