Have you wondered who is really in charge of the Biden presidency? It’s a fair…
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They looked like long-lost lovers so happy to be reunited at a funeral. Hillary Clinton…
Newsmax Host Says He ‘Will Not Comply’ With Any Vaccine Mandate After Network Announces They Will Require Them
Conservative news network Newsmax informed their staff on Thursday that they will be implementing a…
Another Biden Record – US Trade Deficit in September Reaches an All-Time High of $80 Billion
The US trade deficit hit a new record in September while more ships are stranded…
The Feds paid out zero claims in COVID Related Deaths through September, the end of…
BREAKING: Proof CDC Changed Definition of ‘Vaccine’ Because Prior Definition Allowed People “To Claim the COVID-19 Vaccine is Not a Vaccine”
Back in September, the CDC was caught changing the definition of what a ‘vaccine’ is. …
Dystopia Down Under: Thousands of Australians With Unpaid Fines for Breaking Covid Rules Have Bank Accounts Raided and Property Siezed As Tyrannical Government Chases Millions in Fees
As if the dystopian hell Australians are dealing with wasn’t bad enough already, residents…
Democrat Thought Leader AOC Slams James Carville for Blaming Election Losses on Far Left’s Marxist, Wokeness Agenda
Following the stunning election losses on Tuesday former Clinton strategist James Carville blamed “stupid wokeness”…
An appeals court has issued a stay and temporarily halted Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for…
James O’Keefe’s New York home was raided by FBI agents on Saturday. On Friday, the…