The young father “Jared” who called Joe Biden on Christmas Eve and got him to…
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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is recruiting priests and theologians to assess how the…
Leftist Priest on CNN Tells Unvaccinated to Stay Away from Christmas Mass — Satan is Smiling (VIDEO)
Far-left priest Fr. Edward Beck urged unvaccinated believers to stay away from Christmas Mass this…
This Christmas Creepy Michael Avenatti Is Living at a Friend’s House Wearing an Ankle Monitor
Michael Avenatti is now out of prison living with a friend and wearing an ankle…
“Sick”: First Lady Spox, Eric Swallwell, Reporters Have Meltdown Over Christmas Eve Caller Telling Joe Biden “Let’s Go Brandon”
Freedom of speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment, isn’t always pretty, it isn’t always respectful,…
BOOM: NY Supreme Court Sides With Project Veritas, Orders New York Times to Destroy Records That Were “Irregularly and Improperly” Obtained From The Investigative Outlet
On Friday, the New York Supreme Court issued a devastating opinion ruling against the New…
Twitter Leaps into Action – Blocks and Censors #LetsGoBrandon from Trending on Platform after 69,000 retweets
Earlier today a clearly confused Joe Biden was trolled into saying, “Let’s Go Brandon!” during…
Husband of Democrat Lawmaker Who Was Carjacked in Illinois Exchanged Gunfire With the Attackers
The husband of Democrat Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford fired shots with his legal gun…
The popular Christmas toy “Elf of a Shelf” has landed on the American Civil Liberties Union’s…
Jill Grabs Joe Biden, Bosses Him Around after He Whispers in Child’s Ear During Visit to Children’s Hospital (VIDEO)
This was awkward. Joe and Jill Biden visited patients and families at Children’s National Hospital…