Eileen Gu screengrab Pretty 18-year-old Eileen Gu, who was born and raised in San Francisco,…
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‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris Unable to Answer For Biden’s Border Crisis When Asked, “What Has Gone Wrong?” (VIDEO)
Kamala Harris on Wednesday was unable to answer for Biden’s border crisis. Harris was appointed…
“There’s No Amendment That’s Absolute” – Biden Targets Gun Owners, Uses the Debunked Claim 2nd Amendment Banned Cannon Ownership (VIDEO)
Joe Biden on Thursday traveled to New York City to address surging crime and gun…
Joe Biden on Thursday traveled to New York City to address surging crime and gun…
Biden Reminisces of the Good Ol’ Days in the Senate When a Senator Could have Lunch with a Segregationist (VIDEO)
This is quite the take. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Thursday morning delivered remarks…
“Unselect Committee” Member Raskin and Wife Violated Law Regarding Stock Trades – Blame It on Their Deceased Son
The Raskins have been in politics and controversy for a long time. Now the Democrat…
MSNBC was subjected to a “Let’s Go Brandon” flag during a live spot from New…
China Racing Against the US to be the First to Find the U.S. F-35C Fighter Jet that Crashed into the South China Sea
We reported last week about the US fighter jet that crash-landed into the China sea. …
“The Sons and Daughters of America Are Not Foot Soldiers for Your Party’s Inept Geriatric Despot… To be Dispatched at the Whims of an Idiot” – Rep. Madison Cawthorne
North Carolina Representative Madison Cawthorne dropped some bombs on the House floor while arguing against…
Arizona Senate Passes “No Men on Girls’ Sports Teams” Preventing Males From Competing In Women’s Sports – ALL Democrats Oppose
Senate Bill 1165 to prevent males from competing in female sports at public and private…