On Saturday, Rebel News released several screenshots of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) text messages…
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Queen Elizabeth tested positive for Covid-19, Buckingham Palace said on Sunday. Britain’s Queen, 95, is…
Authorities in California arrested nearly 500 people in a sex trafficking crackdown in the state. …
Our Reporting of an Unknown Indiana University Professor Who Was Involved in the Russia Collusion Farce Is Finally Coming to Light
We reported on a little-known University of Indiana professor in January of 2019 who was…
By Wayne Allyn Root We are in the middle of the world’s biggest “get-rich-quick” Ponzi…
BRUTAL: Video Captures Ottawa Police Dragging Protester Between Trucks Then Repeatedly Kneeing Him as Other Officer Stand Around in Approval
Are the US Capitol Police training the Ottawa Police? It sure looks that way. Canadian…
Canada was on the brink of being taken over. Its Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was…
Ottawa Mayor Announces Cars Seized During Freedom Protests Should be Sold to Cover Costs Incurred by City
The regime is very upset with the serfs.How dare they challenge Justin’s ridiculous COVID orders!…
EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s Friends in Ukraine Include the Neo-Nazi “Azov Battalion” Known for Brutal Attacks on Immigrants, Gypsies and Transvestites (VIDEO – Warning Violent)
Biden’s friends in Ukraine include some very bad people. One group is the Azov Battalion,…
Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice “Is Seeking to Jail the Mayor of Wisconsin” and Others If They Don’t Comply with His Subpoenas
Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman wants the mayor of Madison and others thrown…