Joe Biden’s poll numbers are still going down and he just crossed into dangerous polling…
VIDEO: Illinois Father Weeps with Rage at School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandates that Ruined His Daughter’s Development – School Board Responds by Telling Audience to Put Their Masks On
A Naperville, Illinois father joined dozens of other parents at the Naperville school board meeting…
Calgary Police Officer Blasts Fellow Officers: “‘I was just following orders’ is no longer an excuse…You signed up to help people…Stand with your fellow Canadians” [VIDEO]
Before the Canadian Truckers for Freedom protest rolled into Canada, the organizer of the protest…
Georgia’s Raffensperger’s Report to Legislature “Withheld Facts…Contained Many False Statements and Deceptively Misleading Claims” – VoterGA’s Garland Favorito in 42 Item Rebuttal (VIDEO)
Garland Favorito discusses VoterGA’s list of 42 items rebutting Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s…
EXCLUSIVE: Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem Challenges House Speaker to Public Debate On Decertification: “Here’s My Cards. I’m Waiting To See Yours.” (VIDEO)
@RuinsRevisited Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers is expected to stonewall State Representative Mark…
What Are They Hiding? Democrats Argue Voting Machines Too Fragile to Inspect – If Investigators Touch Them They WIll Need to Be Replaced – Demand Rudy Giuliani Be Punished for Requesting Access to Dominion Machines
Joe Biden got 81 million votes. It really happened. Democrats and their media lackeys are…