By Wayne Allyn Root
Thursday wasn’t a good day for President Biden. First, the Supreme Court shouted “LET’S GO BRANDON” by killing his prized private employer mandate. Then Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema destroyed his dreams of banning Voter ID to insure one party rule in America.
After hearing all that bad news, I’m guessing Biden put a lid on it, and headed for the White House basement where his wife prepared baby food, fed him milk from a bottle, and then tucking him in with his favorite blankie.
But we can’t afford to rest because of two short-lived victories. We have much work to do, to save America from a communist/fascist takeover.
Washington DC is Exhibit A. Did you hear the latest plot twist in DC? Two steps forward, one step back.
Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser just announced no one can leave their home or hotel without papers 24/7. You can’t enter any restaurant, bar, retail store, department store, gym, or even walk the streets, without government issued photo ID, plus proof of vaccine.
This is happening in America.
People “like me” are banned from Washington DC. I’m not certain- is it because I’m a Jew, Republican, or unvaccinated? Maybe all three?
Let me make a few significant points here.
First, “my body, my choice.” Democrats live and die with that mantra when it comes to murdering innocent children in the womb. Ironically, at this very this moment, Democrats are passing laws to make abortion legal up until the moment of birth. But in DC when it comes to my body, I have no choices. It’s either take an experimental poisonous jab that could cripple or kill me, or I give up my job, my social life, and all of my civil rights.
Second, my father didn’t almost die at the battle of Okinawa during World War II, so his son could be banned from entering Washington DC. This is a disgrace to anyone who ever fought or died for this country.
Third, as a Jewish American, I see many echoes of Nazi Germany. Today it is “the unvaccinated” who are being slandered, denigrated, persecuted, fired and banned for the crime of not wanting to take the dangerous, experimental Covid jab.
Today’s unvaccinated American is being called the same words as Jews in Nazi Germany: “dirty, filthy, dangerous, diseased, criminal, disloyal, selfish, someone who should be banned from society, no longer allowed to eat at restaurants, or have a drink among normal people.”
What’s next? Yellow Stars? Well that’s already happening. In many schools in America, children are being separated by vaccination status.
Fourth, this is all about “papers.” Democrats claim that asking for proof of citizenship before voting is like the Gestapo asking for “papers,” but to demand “papers” to eat food, buy groceries, or shop 24/7/365 isn’t Gestapo? Actually, it’s more like Gestapo, Russia’s KGB, East Germany’s Stasi, combined with Communist China’s forced labor camps.
Finally, if Covid is such a “national health emergency,” why has Biden and his communist cabal opened the border, so millions of malnourished, tired, sick and diseased illegal aliens can flood into this country, with no health checks, no masks, and no vaccine mandates?
Either this “health emergency” is pure fraud intended to allow Democrats to rig and steal elections with mail-in ballots and no Voter ID; or this “health emergency” is real and Democrat tyrants like Biden and Bowser are purposely letting the whole world in, to spread Covid, thereby creating crisis and hysteria, and giving themselves more power to control every aspect of our lives.
My Jewish military veteran father was ready to die for this great country. What was he fighting for? Freedom. Now all these years later, the tyrant Mayor of DC thinks she can ban law- abiding, tax-paying citizens who happen to have different political views from entering America’s capital.
But I’ll bet Mayor Bowser supports transsexual rights. I’ll bet she thinks any man can identify as a woman and we have to accept that as fact. Then they can use women’s restrooms, and play sports with our daughters.
We can all learn from that lesson. From now on, please consider me “Trans-vaccinated.” I’m unvaxxed, but I identify as ”vaccinated.” You’ll have to take my word for it. If I think I’m vaccinated, I am. And if you “mis-identify me,” you’ll open up your business to million dollar lawsuits.
I have a message for Mayor Bowser…
Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.”
Wayne’s new book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott
Book” is a #1 bestseller. . Wayne is host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. Visit, or listen live at or “on demand” 24/7 at
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