This past weekend, The Gateway Pundit traveled to Missouri for the Moment of Truth Summit hosted by Mike Lindell. The main focus of the event was exposing the election irregularities that occurred throughout the United States during the November 3, 2020 election. But while we were out there, we were approached by a man who told us his story about the differential treatment of two indirectly related individuals on January 6th. It is a story that must be told.
Yes, there were BLM/ANTIFA activists at the Capitol on January 6th. This has been documented by The Gateway Pundit and Project Veritas, among others. There were also Federal agents and/or confidential informants embedded in the crowd, regardless of what the highly partisan and Establishment-filled January 6th Committee wants you to believe.
On Saturday, The Gateway Pundit sat down with Congressional candidate for Arizona’s 3rd District, Jeff Zink. During our interview, he told a story of wildly different treatment between a man named Hunter Ehmke, who vandalized Capitol property, and a man Zink knows never went into the Capitol or vandalized a single inch of the Capitol grounds: his son.
Full interview (loading takes a moment):
Hunter Ehmke was caught on camera on January 6th breaking several panes of glass outside the US Capitol. He was quickly tackled by police, arrested, and let go about 20 minutes later. He was later arrested at his grandfather’s home on January 13th, 2021 and released on a $45,000 bail agreement the next day. A year later, he pleaded guilty to only one count and was sentenced to four months in prison and ordered to pay $2,821 in fines.
As Jeff Zink states in our interview, this is a “great sentence for what he did,” which was caught on camera as you’ll see in our interview. Ehmke didn’t have his door broken down by dozens of heavily armed FBI agents with dozens of vehicles at 3am. Often times, these “raids” included up-armored military vehicles. He wasn’t ushered off to the “Gulag” to sit and rot in isolation for 23 hours a day in filthy conditions for weeks or months and even years on end. He wasn’t beaten nightly by guards for singing the National Anthem or praying. And he wasn’t denied bail or any due process as many who committed far less egregious crimes were. He was let go on January 6th, 20 minutes after police witnessed him breaking the window panes. He went home the day after his first court appearance on January 14th, 2021.

The still intact door of the house Hunter Ehmke was arrested at as reported by KCAL 9 here:
This is in stark contrast to how Jeff Zink’s son was treated.
Ryan Zink was arrested on February 4th, 2021, less than one month after the protest at the Capitol. FBI agents raided Ryan’s house at 3am with a “no knock” warrant, leaving his door blown off the frame. Thankfully, Ryan did not have a firearm in his room, which his father credits for the reason he is still alive.
He was arrested and kept in Lubbock County, TX for days during a snowstorm, but was later moved to the “Gulag” in Washington D.C. where he was held for six weeks in solitary confinement. Around week five of his detainment in the Gulag, Ryan called his father in tears and told him “Dad, I don’t mind getting beaten every night at 9 o’clock when we say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the National Anthem. But the guy that was beaten next to me, I could hear what they did for a very long time. They ended up having to take him to the infirmary. I don’t know if he’s alive or dead or whatever. They are now trying to kill us inside of this Gulag. You’ve got to get me out.” They were able to fund $80,000 to get him out of the Gulag, but he is now under gag order and being kept at an undisclosed location for his own safety.
On one hand, we have Ryan Zink, a Texas Tech student and devout Christian who is facing 22 years in federal prison despite having never entered the Capitol and yelling at protesters to leave the police alone and let them do their jobs in arresting a vandal who was destroying federal property. Zink was there to document the historic event as part of his father’s congressional campaign.
And on the other hand, we have Hunter Ehmke, who traveled alone to D.C. Coincidentally, he also traveled alone to Portland, OR and Seattle, WA, as mentioned in his sentencing document before being heavily redacted. Investigative journalist Bobby Powell claims conversations he had with Ehmke’s mother indicates Ehmke is a BLM/Antifa sympathizer. He was filmed dressed in all black and breaking panes of glass, which is far more than anything Ryan Zink did, before being arrested and quickly let go. He was strangely released the day after his indictment, unlike men accused of doing far less than actual damage, and has since been sentenced to just four months prison. He never once stepped foot in the Gulag, unlike numerous individuals who still remain in solitary after 18 months, many without ever entering the Capitol or destroying any property.
This seems to be an indisputable violation of Equal Protection.
The post AZ Congressional Candidate Jeff Zink: Antifa Thug Let Off After He Was Filmed Breaking Windows on Jan. 6 While His Son Landed in DC Gitmo for Weeks for Filming It (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.