Guest post by Leo Hohmann
By now you’ve seen the federal government’s classy help-wanted ads seeking new recruits for the Internal Revenue Service.
The list of qualifications is quite interesting.
These recruits must be willing to carry a firearm and “use deadly force, if necessary.” And not just any firearm. As you’ll see later in this article, they want to impress you with a grand display of shock and awe.
I’m not sure how often your typical IRS agent faces scenarios that require them to fire on a fellow American with deadly force, but apparently the Biden administration anticipates this being a more frequent occurrence than in the past.
Why else would they need 87,000 new IRS employees while ordering another 750,000 rounds of ammunition on top of the millions of rounds already in their possession?
Hard-working Americans have many reasons for falling behind on their taxes but drawing the attention of militarized “special agents” and preparing for a shootout with them is not typically one of them.
In fact, let me be straight-up honest right now. If I fall on hard times and can’t afford to pay my taxes, you can file a lien and whatever legal papers are necessary to take my house, but please guys, leave your AR-15s and your .40 caliber Smith and Wessons back at the office.
According to the recruitment ad, agents must “be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”
Below is a screenshot of the ad, which was taken down after it started causing a stir among the proles, who were apparently never supposed to see it. Or, maybe we were.
In the three-month period between March 1 and June 1, 2022, the criminal division of the IRS ordered $696,000 in ammunition, the IRS told VERIFY in an email.
In a 2018 report, the IRS disclosed that it spent an average of $675,000 on ammunition per year over the previous seven years, so they are definitely stepping up their game.
I think there’s more to this story so let’s dig a little deeper, beyond the not-very-polite recruitment ads and the bulk ammo purchases.
We’re not just talking about IRS agents carrying sidearms to protect themselves in the rare instance that some deranged person snaps and comes running out of his house with a knife or gun. No, IRS agents also have access to and are trained in semi-automatic rifles and tactical shotguns. Note that these are the same “assault weapons” that the Biden administration wants to ban us from having.
So at the same time they’re trying to disarm us, they are arming federal tax collectors to the teeth with “military grade” weapons, as they like to call them when they’re in the hands of law-abiding American citizens.
When they knock on your door, they apparently no longer come with calculators and notepads to show you your tax bill but with a cold-steel barrel ready to burn hot.
How do we know they are up to no good? How do we know that it’s more about displaying the raw power of the almighty state than it is about collecting back taxes?
We know because it’s all spelled out right in their annual report. They’re not hiding it. The recent recruitment ads just confirm what we already thought about the growing unchecked power of the federal behemoth.
The IRS 2021 annual report contains a section that shows heavily armed agents simulating an attack on a suburban home at a law enforcement training facility in Brunswick, Georgia.

IRS:CI Training 2021 IRS Annual Report
IRS-CI special agents simulate armed assault on suburban home – Photo from IRS 2021 Annual Report

agents conduct firearms training drills in an indoor training facility.
According to the report, these IRS agents are “among the most highly trained financial investigators in the world.”
All newly hired IRS special agents will be put through an 11-week Criminal Investigator Training Program, or CITP, run by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswick, where they learn firearms training and other law enforcement tactics.
“CITP covers topics common to all federal law enforcement agents, including basic criminal investigation skills, federal criminal law, courtroom procedures, enforcement operations, interviewing skills, and firearms training,” the IRS report states.

agent conducts firearms training
drills with a shotgun at an outdoor
shooting range.
No, this isn’t your grandfather’s IRS.
The annual report continues:
“It also provides physical fitness conditioning and use of force training, which includes firearms, weaponless tactics, and building entry,” the annual report reads.

OAKLAND FIELD OFFICE: Special agents and
professional staff participate in building entry,
active shooter, and weaponless tactics at the
Tactical Village in Sacramento, Calif.
Can you see what’s going on here?
This is part of a plan to militarize and weaponize yet another agency of the federal government. And while the IRS is being weaponized, it’s about to get a whole lot bigger.
The alarming job description in those recruitment ads comes as the agency gets funding from Congress to hire 87,000 new agents after the U.S. Senate approved the Inflation Reduction Act on a party-line vote, with Kamala Harris being the tie-breaker. Within this radical bill is $80 billion for the IRS to more than double in size and extend its abilities to carry out raids on American homes.
The IRS annual report states that “IRS:CI special agents receive regular refresher training. They attend quarterly training in firearms, defensive tactics, and building entry…Through frequent use of force training, they maintain their skills and abilities to ensure good judgement and to apply the appropriate degree of force necessary to safely carry out enforcement activities, including issuing search warrants, arrests, surveillance, dignitary protection, undercover activities, and seizures.”
So now we know they are not only into kicking down doors and shooting people but also spying on us with “surveillance” and “undercover activities.”
You can read the entire 49-page IRS 2021 annual report here.
Under President Obama, almost every federal agency, including non-law enforcement agencies like the IRS, EPA, HHS and HUD, went on a bullet-buying binge.
Biden is just picking up where Obama left off. I wish it were not so but this administration gives us no reason not to assume the worst possible motives for these recruitment ads, for their vicious training of agents and their bulk buying of weapons and ammunition.
And let’s not forget that just last summer, in August 2021, we caught the U.S. Army National Guard advertising on its website for detention specialists to guard “detention/internment” camps. A slightly modified, less threatening sounding version of that same recruitment ad is still up at the U.S. Army website, by the way. You can see it here.
Makes you wonder, what’s the federal government got planned for us?
Now, for a little perspective, because nothing happens in a vacuum.
Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed that he personally approved the FBI raid at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate.
Here he is speaking at a press briefing Thursday. Toward the end, he gets noticeably angry when lurching into a tirade about the “integrity” of the FBI and DOJ.
Integrity? What integrity? This is an agency that bashed down the door of Roger Stone in the middle of the night and brought him out in shackles, an elderly man with his cancer-stricken wife who owned no firearms.
This is the same FBI that arrested Peter Navarro at an airport and led him away in leg irons. Again, he was a frail elderly man who presented no physical threat, unarmed at an airport.
They also raided the home of a home-school mom in Colorado earlier this year, bursting in with high-powered rifles and scaring her children half to death. The woman’s only crime was that she had questioned the integrity of Colorado’s elections and was an outspoken mother at local school board meetings.
This is an agency that also helped a group of men plot the fake kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, then lied about it.
This is the same agency that sent agents provocateur, dirtbags like Ray Epps, into the January 6 crowd and incited them to enter the Capitol, then lied about it.
So spare us your fake outrage, Mr. Garland.
This man is delusional. This entire administration is delusional. If the FBI and DOJ had any integrity whatsoever, they would not be applying one standard to Donald Trump and another to Hillary Clinton, who made off with hundreds of classified documents and never looked back. It would also not be sitting on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which we know is full of incriminating evidence of dirty business deals in China and Ukraine, as well as sexual deviance that would make Hugh Hefner blush.
As Joy Pullman notes in a column written pre-Mar-A-Lago:
“In Michigan, the FBI openly meddled in the upcoming election by affecting the selection of candidates, arresting and charging the formerly leading Republican candidate for governor for misdemeanors. The FBI raided Ryan Kelley’s home while polls showed him leading the primaries. In the primary election last week, he came in fourth.”
After the raid on Trump’s home, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was quick to offer her two cents, stating that “No person is above the law.”
No person, except Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Crooked Hillary, Lois Lerner, BLM, Antifa, George Soros, Pelosi herself, and the list goes on.
Until Mr. Garland’s agency moves on the Hunter Biden laptop and digs into Hunter’s comment about “10 percent for the big guy,” we don’t want to hear any lectures about “blind justice” or the professionalism of the FBI. They are nothing but political hacks and have a long track record, not of integrity, but of corruption. Some of the most rank and vile corruption this country has ever seen.
As for those 87,000 new IRS agents: You had better train hard. Real hard. Because although we patriots tell people, on this site and many others, to be peaceful and not do anything unlawful, we will defend our homes and our property against these kinds of violent attacks. is 100 percent reader supported. Unlike the mainstream corporate media, we do not accept any gifts, sponsorships or advertisements from Corporate America. Nor do we accept grants from private foundations created by the likes of George Soros and Bill Gates. If you would like to help support us, you may send a contribution of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, PO Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264.
The post Leo Hohmann: What is Biden administration trying to tell us with its recent violent actions against nonviolent Americans and hiring of 87K militarized IRS agents? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.