True the Vote’s Gregg Phillips(left) and Catherine Engelbrecht(right)
True the Vote, the creators of the “2000 Mules” documentary, will showcase numerous presentations today for conservative media personalities and media organizations with new bombshell information about the massive voter fraud in U.S. elections.
Most of this information will be broadcast live from “The Pit” on Right Side Broadcasting Network’s Rumble page.
** The broadcast is set to begin at Noon Eastern.
True the Vote’s bombshell 2000 Mules documentary used geospatial data and dropbox footage to expose the nationwide ballot trafficking ring that Democrats used to steal the 2020 Election from President Trump.
Geospatial data is collected and used by applications on our smartphones. Utilizing this publicly available information from the cellphones of ballot trafficking “Mules” and over four million minutes of security footage from dropboxes across the country, True The Vote shows us exactly how Democrats rigged the 2020 election with mail-in voter fraud, illegal ballot harvesting, and vote buying.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, this data is so accurate that it can pinpoint individuals within 3 feet of the drop boxes, and it is frequently used by law enforcement today.
Today, True the Vote will present more bombshell testimony from subject matter experts in a top-secret location.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that True the Vote’s Gregg Phillips told Arizona State lawmakers in June, “We do indeed have a matter brewing that is ten times bigger than Mules.” He continued, “I assure you it is the most explosive issue that you’ve ever come in contact with related to elections in the United States.”
This will be a bombshell exposé. The Deep State is doing everything in its power to stop the truth about our rigged elections from coming out.
Phillips Truthed a statement yesterday alleging that “confidential informants have wiggled their way into the pit.”
Hopefully, these informants aren’t with the same Stasi FBI who recently ransacked President Trump’s home and took his belongings in a new lawless hoax.
Phillips and his team already tried to bring this information to the FBI, and they did nothing about it. Who knows what they will do today to prevent the truth from coming out?
The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson and Brian Lupo are currently in “The Pit” and will provide more updates after the explosive presentation.
RSBN reported,
From the producers of ‘2000 Mules’ brings us ‘The Pit’, an informative strategy session that lays out the groundwork to save this country. Features special guests as well as info about the latest technology that’s being weaponized against the American people.
Tune in August 13, 2022 at 12:00 PM ET
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