Last night, the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republicans voted UNANIMOUSLY to censure corrupt Maricopa County Supervisor and RINO Bill Gates.
Ultra-MAGA Patriots in Arizona are fighting back against election maladministration.
Similarly, The Maricopa County Republican Committee voted to censure Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer last week, citing the maladministration of his duties, which resulted in “significant failures.” The Gateway Pundit reported on these significant failures that occurred on Primary election day in Maricopa County.
This new resolution to censure Bill Gates cites his failure to comply with the Arizona Senate’s 2020 election investigation and his recent statements rooting against Republican primary winners in the General Election.
The Arizona Senate’s full forensic audit of Maricopa County discovered hundreds of thousands of illegal, fraudulent, or questionable ballots and that the County illegally deleted files from the election servers.
However, the corrupt Maricopa County Supervisors and Bill Gates fought against the investigation every step of the way. They even defied legal subpoenas for materials used in the 2020 Election.
The 2000 Mules investigation later estimated that illegal ballot trafficking mules inserted over 200,000 illegal or fraudulent votes into Maricopa County’s 2020 Election.
Both investigations found that the Arizona 2020 Election was rigged and stolen and the County Supervisors who oversaw the election refused to cooperate.
We also reported that Bill Gates said the primary election win for Trump-Endorsed candidates who are vowing to get to the bottom of 2020 was a “catastrophe” and suggested that Republicans must lose in November.
The censure “demands that Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates immediately resign and calls on the Republican Party in Maricopa County to encourage all registered Republicans to expel him permanently from office.”
Arizona LD3 Republicans stated, “we have zero confidence in Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates.”
The full resolution, which passed unanimously, is below.
August 11th, 2022
Be it resolved by the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republican Committee:
WHEREAS Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates has made and continues to make disparaging public comments about Republican Arizona Representatives and Republican candidates during interviews, all while seeming to support Democrat candidates running against them:
In an August 3, 2022 interview discussing the Republican Primary results: “The election last night was a catastrophe for the Arizona Republican Party,” Gates said, “and, I would argue, our democracy.”
- August 5, 2022 Interview: “I fear that if we continue to nominate people who deny the truth, then what may have to happen is that we lose elections.” and “I think the only way back is by humiliation at the ballot box, and the problem is the Democrats aren’t strong enough to do that.”
In the same August 5th interview: “They’re still arguing that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, even though we’ve had numerous audits in Maricopa County, other independent examinations to show that that’s simply not the case.”
- Further: “These folks continue to push this story and that is corrosive to our democracy. There’s no basis for it. And what it is doing is sewing doubt in our democracy.” And “When we’re talking about the past and basically dredging up conspiracy theories, then we’re doing a disservice to the voters.”
WHEREAS Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates voted NOT to comply with the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann stated: “Maricopa County’s slow-walk of the Senate public records request into a possible breach of the voter registration server is frustrating” and “It is unfortunate the noncompliance by the County and Dominion continues to delay the results and breeds distrust.” Further, Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli stated:
“Today I submitted a request for the Arizona Attorney General to investigate the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for their failure to comply with subpoenas from the State Senate. The supervisors are acting as if they are above the law, and it is an insult to the citizens of our state.
President Fann has handled this process professionally and she has tried to be diplomatic while dealing with the attacks and insults from the Board. Enough is enough! The level of disrespect and contempt from the supervisors toward Senate leadership and Arizona voters is appalling.
Yesterday the Board of Supervisors ignored the subpoena deadline and failed to provide the routers used in the November election. They failed to provide passwords and security keys required to access tabulation devices. They failed to provide splunk logs and similar data.
I respectfully request the Attorney General investigate this clear violation of the law. Arizonans expect no less.“
WHEREAS the 2000 Mules Documentary irrefutably proves election fraud occurred in Maricopa County during the 2020 Election in the form of ballot trafficking through drop boxes.
WHEREAS the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election found significant inconsistencies and discrepancies.
WHEREAS we have zero confidence in Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republican Committee: hereby formally censures Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates, and shall immediately cease any and all recognition and support of him as a member of the Republican Party for his past and continued attacks on Republicans, his specific actions addressed herein including lack of confidence to perform his duties as Maricopa Supervisor, his general disregard for the irregularities reported in the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 Election, and his contempt for the Arizona Senate and the People of Arizona.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republican Committee demands that Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates immediately resign and calls on the Republican Party in Maricopa County to encourage all registered Republicans to expel him permanently from office.
Bill Gates must resign from office.
The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Maricopa County Supervisor RINO Democrat Bill Gates UNANIMOUSLY Censured By Arizona LD3 Republicans appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.