REPORT: Trump-Endorsed Joe Kent Has HIS OWN BALLOT Rejected After Wildly Delayed Election Count In Washington Primary Election
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Serious concerns have arisen over the US House race for District 3, where Trump-Endorsed Joe Kent is within striking distance of Never Trumper Jamie Herrera Beutler, and they’re still counting the ballots.
The Primary election was last Tuesday, and The Gateway Pundit reported on the election integrity issues and voter fraud concerns across the state and in Kent’s race. Washington’s all mail-in ballot system is a joke.
The National Pulse has obtained an image of the notification of Kent’s rejected ballot:
Kent told The National Pulse that he had to go into the offices of the election administrators on Monday, August 8th, in order to verify his own signature – a process that many older voters may be unable to attend to so easily – so that his vote would count.
“It’s a mess of a system,” Kent told The National Pulse.
The primary election in WA-3 is curious enough by itself, using a non-partisan, top-two system, “in which all candidates appear on the same ballot, for congressional and state-level elections. The top two vote-getters move on to the general election, regardless of their party affiliation.”
But Kent’s primary appears to have had especially strange problems, with the count still not concluded almost a week since election day. At the time of writing, around 81 percent of ballots (183,000) have been counted. Another twenty-odd thousand remain.
Kent is currently running 0.1 percent behind establishment Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler, who voted to impeach President Trump. Critics wrote off Kent’s chances on election day, but the former Green Beret who served 11 combat tours and won six bronze stars has clawed his way back as the votes have trickled in.
Now, critics suspect there could be foul play in certain counties, where votes for Kent are being rejected, including his own.
Across the Country, criminals are trying to steal elections from Trump-Endorsed Patriots to stop the America First agenda.
The crooks running these elections belong in prison!