Earlier today dirtbag FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted that the supervisor who headed the agency’s Detroit Field Office when FBI operatives allegedly entrapped people into planning to kidnap Michigan’s governor is currently in charge of the D.C. Field Office.
Director Wray told Senator Ted Cruz, “[Steven M.] D’Antuono was the special agent in charge of the … Detroit field office and is now the assistant director in charge of the Washington field office.”
Senator Cruz takes FBI Director Wray to task for the FBI’s entrapment scheme in the botched “kidnapping scheme” of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
And Wray’s admission that the FBI supervisor in charge of that scheme now runs the DC FBI field office. pic.twitter.com/IByc85FVL8
— AllRoadsL3ad21 (@l3ad21) August 4, 2022
Steven D’Antuono was leading the Michigan Whitmer entrapment scheme that was concocted by the FBI to damage Donald Trump, make wretched Governor Whitmer look sympathetic, and to ruin the lives of several poor Michigan men in order to prop up the Democrat Party.
Steven D’Antuono
The Governor Whitmer kidnapping case, which we now know was comprised of virtually all FBI agents and informants, took a devastating hit last August when Michael Hills, an attorney for Brandon Caserta, one of the six defendants, produced text messages showing an FBI field agent telling an informant to lie, frame an innocent man and delete text messages.
The Whitmer entrapment case appears similar to the Russia collusion sham and the Jan 6 sham, this entire sham was created by the Feds.
That is why federal prosecutors were refusing to hand over text messages and laptops from FBI informants in the Whitmer kidnapping case. The FBI actually hatched the plot. paid for the plot, ran the plot, and set up the innocent men in their immoral scheme.
The FBI’s top informant behind the kidnapping scam was later arrested after he beat his wife following a swingers party.
But the court did not allow the defendants to release all of their information.
Even far-left Buzzfeed reported on how the defendants were prevented from sharing the entire truth in the case:
The split verdict calls into question the Justice Department’s strategy, and beyond that, its entire approach to combating domestic extremism. Defense attorneys in the case, along with observers from across the political spectrum, have argued the FBI’s efforts to make the case, which involved at least a dozen confidential informants, went beyond legitimate law enforcement and into outright entrapment..
…But the most striking thing about the closely watched 15-day trial might be what the jury never got to see.
Both before and during the trial, prosecutors went to extraordinary lengths to exclude evidence and witnesses that might undermine their arguments, while winning the right to bring in almost anything favorable to their own side. As a result, defense attorneys were largely reduced to nibbling at the edges of the government’s case in hopes of instilling doubt in the jurors’ minds, and to making claims about official misconduct with vanishingly few pieces of evidence to support them.
The entire case was a sham and Daniel Harris’s case is an example of this. After five of his witnesses refused to testify at his trial, Harris decided to take the stand himself, “telling jurors repeatedly that he “absolutely” did not plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in the summer of 2020 when he was a member of the Wolverine Watchmen militia.”
The post Dirtbag Chris Wray Corfirms that Same FBI Supervisor Behind Failed Whitmer Entrapment Scheme Is Leading Jan. 6 Investigation in Washington DC appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.