In Michigan, moderate Republicans have made plans behind closed doors to have the votes from conservative parts of the state counted, instead, by liberal jurisdictions.
America First candidates are sounding the alarm: this is how the NeverTrumpers in both parties are going to keep cheating the vote!
Orion Township in Michigan is a reliably conservative part of the state. It elected one of the most reliably conservative members of the State House, Rep. John Reilly.
So when plans were being made to count the August 2nd primary and November general election night results in Orion Township, the loud RINO Township Treasurer was saying that the Clerk couldn’t find enough volunteers to count the ballots and staff the tabulators.
Orion Township Treasurer Donni Steele urged the township to send their ballots somewhere else to be counted. Steele is running for State Representative and some claim that her actions are suspicious.
DEEP STATE RINO’S ARE EMPOWERING VOTER FRAUD by counting conservative ballots with liberal vote tabulators.
In a secret meeting with the city attorney for advice on the matter, the Orion Township board met and discussed and then later in a public meeting unanimously voted to send the ballots from their conservative parts of Oakland County, Michigan, to the liberal leadership in the liberal cities, supposedly to ‘save costs.’
These liberal cities were the same ones that on election night 2020 were illegally pushing out Republican poll watchers. These liberal cities were the same ones that all suspiciously had late night ballot drops, such as the infamous Biden Ballot Drop in Detroit.

pictured: the 3:30AM Biden Ballot Dump at the TCF Center in Detroit on election night 2020, of ballots supposedly arriving at 8:00PM, 15 minutes away from the TCF Center.
These liberal jurisdictions were also the ones with unexplainable statistical anomalies in their absentee ballot totals.
Michigan Republican Party Grassroots Vice Chair Marian Sheridan said, “Voters who elect local officials to conduct our elections feel more confident in the process and know who is accountable for integrity, so when these officials shift that responsibility to people they did not elect for the sake of convenience, their trust has been broken.”
Other election integrity activists report similar chain of custody problems being created by supposedly Republican clerks across the state. In West Bloomfield Michigan the local clerk Debbie Binder has contracted with a private firm, Kent Communications out of Grand Rapids, to handle ballots, collect ballots, and ultimately deliver ballots to the counting board.

One of the private company vans collecting ballots from conservative areas to be processed in liberal cities.

Orion Township Treasurer Donni Steele
“This is just the way to cheat,” said one local long-time activist and Republican Party official who was too afraid of repercussions to be named. “Clerks like Donni Steele refused to fund the workers the clerk needed, leaving no choice but to send the ballots off to liberal cities like Pontiac. We know what they’re going to do: they’re going to control the results by fabricating absentee ballots on election night by ‘adjudicating’ ballots in the Dominion machine and then showing up with a late-night absentee ballot dump.”
“Donni Steele is the so-called ‘Republican’ who is enabling and empowering all of this left-wing voter fraud in Oakland County.”
In 2018, Oakland County started the ability for cities and townships to send their absentees to Oakland County to be counted.
Steele has tried to shut down criticism by claiming she could not get workers to staff the polling process.
Others disagree, including one local long-time conservative activist, “There are tons of people are willing to work the polls, this is a very solidly Republican area. There is no excuse they couldn’t get workers.”
The new location for ballots to be counted is now at a canvassing board in Pontiac. Pontiac is a deep blue part of Michigan, what some describe as a ‘mini-Detroit.’

In this file from 2016, you can see the basic partisan breakdown of Oakland County, Michigan. The RINOs in red areas are sending the ballots from those areas to be counted in the blue regions, enabling potential voter fraud and a repeat of the 2020 election disaster.
A group of election integrity activists in Oakland County Michigan plans to protest outside of Donni Steele’s office to protest her decision to jeopardize the integrity of ballot counting.
The post HERE WE GO AGAIN: Michigan RINO’S Shipping off Ballots to be Counted by Liberal Cities appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.