Guest article written by Laura Elizabeth Jenkins, originally published at
Get involved! Dial 877 848 7030, access 3218747. (Politely mute yourself.)
You can hear attorneys speak to the judge and provide an update on these politically persecuted January 6th defendants:
Graydon Young, Donovan Crowl, Thomas Caldwell, Jessica Watkins, Jason Dolan, Sandra & Bennie Parker, Kelly & Connie Meggs, Kenneth Harrelson, James Beeks, Laura Steele, Roberto Minuta, Joshua James, Jonathan Walden, William Isaacs, Joseph Hackett, David Moerschel, and Brian Ulrich.
After the Conference, Respectfully Call or Write The Following Officials*:
Federal Bureau of Prisons: 202 307 3198
320 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534

Photo Courtesy: Bureau of Prisons.
Ken Hyle, General Counsel. Addresses civil rights and legal grievances.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene noted after prison visit: “Jan. 6th defendants reported being subjected to months of solitary confinement, verbal abuse (e.g., called ‘white supremacists,’) harassment, beatings from guards, denial of basic medical care, religious services, communion, nutritious diet, and access to attorneys.)

Photo courtesy: Bureau of Prisons.
L. Cristina Griffith, Assistant Director, Human Resource Management. Handles staff discipline-
Staff at DC-CTF maced and punched Jake Lang in the face for singing the National Anthem. Another man was beaten for saying the Pledge of Allegience. Fellow inmates didn’t know whether he was dead or alive at the time of the incident.

Photo Courtesy: Bureau of Prisons.
Catricia Howard-Handles prisoner discipline policy- Remind Ms. Howard that “according to a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, DC-CTF Deputy Warden Kathleen Landerkin has been accused of causing mental anguish, personal distress, indignity, embarrassment, pain, and suffering.”

Photo Courtesy: Bureau of Prisons.
Michael Smith- Assistant Director of Health services (nutrition administrator)- Tell Mr. Smith that clinical guidance manuals produced by the Bureau of Prisons state the damages of malnutrition so the staff can treat affected inmates.
Inform Mr. Smith how DC-CTF staff are causing malnutrition by only providing pretrial detainees with baloney sandwiches or three eggs as a daily meal. Their dinner is served at 4pm and some defendants are hungry afterwards. As this Bureau of Prison manual states, hunger affects detainees and often requires serious medical treatment. Nonetheless, the DC prison system allows its inmates to starve.
Chris Bina-Health services administrator-Please ask Mr. Bina to remediate the black mold and flooding inside the DC-CTF and provide inmates with regular access to clean drinking water upon their request.
Before the Jan. 6th defendants were ever accused of a crime, thirty six inmates testified before DC District Court in 2020 that they were concerned for their health due to the facility’s poor sanitation. In addition, they feared for their lives because their pleas for medical assistance were repeatedly ignored by staff.
DC Government:

Photo Courtesy: DC Department of Corrections.
Mayor Muriel Bowser-Mayor- 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Washington, DC 20004, 202 727 2643- In November, Bowser agreed in writing to “improve” and “advance the conditions” in the DC jail. The deficiencies in this letter below have been ignored-not addressed.
Read Mayor Bowser’s Promise to Address Civil Rights Violations and Squalid Conditions at the Jail

Photo Courtesy: DC Department of Corrections.
Chris Geldart-Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice- 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Ste #533, Washington, DC 20004-202 724 Deputy Major Geldart agreed to improve DC prison conditions with Mayor Bowser in the letter above. He told Reuters, “The Department works to ensure the Constitutional rights of all residents and will fully cooperate with any lawful moving or investigation by the United States Department of Justice.” Is this still the case as the violations continue?

Courtesy: DC Department of Corrections.
Quincy Booth-DC Department of Corrections Director-2000 14th Street, NW, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20009-202 673 –– Remind Mr. Booth that DC Department of Correction policy states that “Lawyers must have 24/7 accessto their counsel.”
Jake Lang’s lawyer Steven Metcalf was denied access into the building on a scheduled visit. Other eyewitness accounts, including reports submitted to DC District Court, state the detainees’ conversations with their lawyers are not private. Staff can hear the entire discussion.
Kathleen Landerkin– Deputy Warden of Operations-202 790 6592-Remind Ms. Landerkin that the public demands for fair treatment for all citizens under the law. Ms. Landerkin allows Caucasian pre-trial detainees to be told “they are evil because of the color of their skin and that America is a terrible country that perpetuates a racial caste system.”
There are accounts of the Bibles on tablets in her facility declaring content is “imaginary” while endorsing Islam as the “true word of God.”
Please share your comments and the responses to your calls with us:
*Note your phone or web communication may be recorded as public record.
The post Listen in on Jan-6ers and “Oathkeepers” Court Conference this Tuesday, Jan. 25th at 11 AM EST. YOU CAN BE THEIR VOICE! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.