Articles originally published in

By Kelly Wilde
Brandon Fellows is a 27-year-old man from Schenectady, New York being held in the inhumane DC Gitmo as a result of events at the Capitol on January 6.
He has no violent charges and was even welcomed into the Capitol by police officers with their express permission, which he recorded on video.
Fellows suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome just like one of his heroes, Elon Musk. Despite this lifelong challenge, Brandon built his own chimney business which subcontracts to the highest-rated home inspection company and two of the largest commercial cleaning companies in the upstate New York region.
Fellows was unknowingly interviewed by two corporate media outlets as he exited the Capitol building, who twisted his words and smeared him in the press by saying he mocked police officers when he in fact was thanking them.
Among other wonderful achievements, Fellows was a Christian camp counselor, student body senator, and kids wrestling team coach as a young man.
The stories of inhumane treatment at the DC jail are notorious. Being under the strict solitary confinement and other abusive conditions of the DC Gitmo is especially destructive to his mind. It is sad that we treat anyone like this in jail, let alone a man with autism.
Once upon a time the left encouraged the use of mental health courts. Today, they seem to seek only vengeance against their enemies.
Brandon Fellows treatment is truly heartbreaking.
***Please consider donating to Brandon’s legal fundraiser here:
Here are his own words:
My name is Brandon Fellows, and on January 6th I was lucky enough to be allowed to sit in row 5 of VIP, less than 100 feet from Donald Trump.
Don’t let the stories you have read fool you. I have no violent charges. My only felony is supposedly obstructing/interrupting the proceedings (though it’s a 20-year charge). The Department of Justice has tried their best to attach extra charges to me. According to my previous attorney, the man who tried to press these charges against me is a member of the NSA and the same man who put the Taliban into Guantanamo Bay. If this is true, this is troubling.
Though the National Security advisor never filed the additional charges, I found out on 10/12/21 he did file a complaint exparte. This means no one besides him and the judge can hear the complaints, not even me, ever… Half my family is Jewish, and thousands of years ago our ancestors understood the basic premise of having the right to hear the accusations of your accusers and defend against them. It would seem the DOJ and the man who filed this complaint don’t respect such practices. I know what I did, but I’m not certain they didn’t lie like my main prosecutor has for months.
Currently, as of 12/25/21 (Merry Christmas), there are no articles written about me that fully represent the truth. Even my “quotes” are either twisted or way out of context. I found it amusing the dating sites Bumble and Tinder changed how they operated as a result of one of the fake news articles that were written about me. However, it’s not all fun and games. The fake news articles caused me to lose friends, family, business contracts, customers, and self-esteem.
Now about my pending freedom. The prosecutor seeks to put me away for 23 years. She says I’m a danger to society, she even said if I go to trial she will be seeking terrorism enhancements bringing the maximum and the minimum amount drastically up. I have no criminal history, and on 1/6/21 police told me on video what rules to follow and assured me I would not be arrested. It’s on video.
The prosecutor knows this which is why after I called her out for her lies on 10/12/21 she offered me a time served plea deal, a felony time served plea deal. This means she doesn’t actually think I’m too dangerous for society. I could sign the lie, reward her for her misconduct, and go home. However, as I shared with her, I—unlike Joe Biden or Barrack Obama—don’t support or negotiate with terrorists.
Earlier on, I fired my radical leftist attorney and motioned to appoint her as standby counsel, so fortunately or unfortunately I now represent myself.
It was never my intention to represent myself, but as Trump warned, “D.C. is a swamp”, and the Public Defenders’ office is no exception. 95% of D.C. voted for Biden. That makes N.Y.C. look like Texas politically. It’s a totally different level of liberalism here. Despite this, the liberalism is even more intense in the DOJ and the public defenders’ offices.
My previous full-time counsel time and again tried to get me to lie and say Donald Trump told me to storm the building as a defense. However, Trump said we were going to “peacefully march to the Capitol to let our voices be heard,” and that is what I did.
The police said I and others could come in, much to my surprise.
By the time I arrived at the Capitol there were no barriers, no trespassing signs, no officers saying, “You are trespassing/breaking the law. “They smiled and gave rules such as following curfew and pointed out the areas we could go.
My lawyer attempted to get me to lie multiple times over many months. Like I do with my business calls, I recorded our legal calls. In October I gave her an ultimatum, stop lying to me, trying to constructively sabotage my case, do her job as a standby counsel and step it up. In return I would not share the recordings with the court. She got better after that call and finally began to work hard on what I requested her to do, but it was short-lived.
One month later she tried to leave the case and would not talk to me for 3 weeks further slowing me down and damaging my case. In addition, time and again my attorney lied to me and failed to present evidence I was begging her to present to show how the prosecution was lying. This woman could have kept me out of jail if she just presented the evidence I had and gave her. Time and again she failed to do so which is the reason I fired her. Because of her I was in jail as my closest family member (my grandmother) died on 10/27/21.
The DOJ and the Public Defender offices are not the only government institutions in the D.C. swamp. The courts are as well. See, we have these things called laws that the courts are supposed to follow regardless of the judge’s feelings. One of these laws is called the Bail Reform Act. This law sets the rules for who can be held in jail pretrial and who can’t, there are 6 potential categories. I met 0 out of the 6 factors in that Act, meaning I should have never had a detention hearing, probation, or be placed in jail.
Months ago in D.C., a woman ran over her toddler while high on crack, then tossed the body in the dumpster and didn’t get away with it thanks to the garbage man. She got bond. The school shooter in Texas who shot 4 people got bond. The man who purposely ran over people at a Christmas parade, killing several people and had a vast criminal record was given bail. Yet I took super cool selfies/videos inside/outside the capitol with permission from police while being a Trump supporter. This, according to the prosecutor, makes me too dangerous for society. Weird, they didn’t see Tighe Barry as a danger after he violently interrupted the Brett Kavanaugh proceedings, assaulted police 5 months later, interrupted proceedings 2 months before that, interrupted Jeff Sessions nomination, or his 12 year history of doing the same. In fact, his punishment for all this was grouped together by the magistrate judge Robin Meriwether (the same judge I had). His “punishment” was 12 hours in jail and a 10 dollar fine, but the prosecutor even moved to drop the 10 dollar fine and his misdemeanor picketing charge he got for ALL that.
Clearly there’s Democrat privilege here in D.C. because 1 year and 2 months later all the same parties are trying to put me away for decades for following police orders and being nonviolent. This is nothing new for the party that supported the KKK and Due Process violations against black communities in the south decades ago. It’s the same game, they just have new targets. God willing, the perpetrators of these bias injustices will be looked at in the same way Americans look at the racist democrats and KKK members that committed due process violations and crimes against the black communities decades ago.
Until something changes, I’ll be here in the civil rights abusing D.C. jail with no bond. In case you are planning a taxpayer funded vacation to the D.C jail anytime soon, let me tell you what amenities and comforts you’ll soon find yourself surrounded by.
At 2:30 A.M. you’ll hear a loud bang on your battleship gray steel door. It’s time for breakfast. Open up your soggy leaking cardboard tray to see white bread thrown on top of watery lukewarm or cold grits. Need to catch your breath from that loud bang that woke you up? Sit down on your small rusty metal bed and take a breather, but don’t breathe too much, at least a quarter of your cells have black mold in them. You’ll be in your cell for 22 out of 24 hours a day, or if someone has the common cold you won’t be let out for days. This is all supposedly to help stop the spread of covid because you know, we all must hide and do nothing until its gone. You’ll feel extra safe following the propaganda science!
Every hour in your cell you’ll be reminded what it feels like to have a high-powered flashlight shined in your eyes by the guards. You’ll wonder, “Is my eyesight getting worse because of this or because I’m legally blind without my glasses and I haven’t been allowed to have them for 7 months?”
With little to no fruit in your diet you’ll get to experience what it feels like to not poop for 6 days. On the 4th day of requesting to see a nurse, you’ll be separated from the other inmates because you’re a dangerous Trump supporter. When the nurse sees you, you’ll be told how terrible of a person you are for supporting Trump and how stupid you are for not getting the covid shot. Then the nurse will ask you if you can see yet, which she does every 2 weeks, perhaps like me you’ll respond, “No miracles have happened yet,” and then remind her you need your glasses. They will say that new glasses should be arriving to the jail in a few more months, which is what they said a few months ago.
Now on the way back from the nurse’s office it’s time to eat lunch in your cell. Never mind, they forgot to give you lunch again. You were really looking forward to seeing how long the worms in the salad were today.
Ever wonder what it would be like to have your religious liberties stripped from you? Come on down to the D.C jail where Trump supporters are denied the ability to go to jail services. At least you can hear the mosque in the jail screaming “Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!” which makes the veterans from the middle east here uneasy for obvious reasons. At least they can drown out the noise by reading about how “white men are evil dogs filled with privilege and rage” in the Final Call newspaper (Louis Farakan’s newspaper) that the jail distributes, or read the Washington Post call them domestic terrorists.
Want a haircut after 7 months? Sorry, “you’re unvaccinated, unvaccinated people aren’t allowed to get haircuts or shave”. You have a choice of eating your mustache with every meal or paying 15 dollars to put a painful smelly burning cream on your head and face for half an hour and then painfully rip it all out like a madman.
Ever wonder what it feels like to be unable to help someone? Stay locked in your cell calling for help for over an hour as your 60-year-old neighbor who’s a veteran is screaming and crying in pain for help? He’s fallen and has a neck injury. Trust the professional nurses as they proceed to try to pick him up by pulling on his head as he now cries and screams with his voice now cracking in pain and he begs for mercy. After 1.5 hours, 10 staff members, and 3 stretchers later (they brought the wrong stretcher three times), he is finally on his way out the door heading to the hospital. You’ll start to see the circus of 10 jail staff members begin to leave but not before yelling at the concussed veteran on the stretcher about putting pants over his shorts to abide by the jail dress code. Fortunately, the actual EMT who was not a jail employee there pointed out that this was not a real issue, so the upset staffer just tossed his pants on top of the veteran in anger. Happy Veteran’s Day to him. (—Yes, this happened on Veteran’s Day.)
Finally, make sure to mask up around the guards—after all, in the name of safety and health they maced a man for not pulling up his mask while eating. You might even get your mail from five months ago.
Ah yes, taxpayer funded vacations really are the best, and the American taxpayer only pays $300-350 a day per inmate to the Marshalls/ D.C. jail to hold us here! That not only makes us more expensive than federal prisoners, but that’s over 10 grand a month! What a deal!
In all seriousness we need help and prayers. We need people to speak up about us and continue to do so. We need people calling their representatives to speak up for us. We need our courts contacted and demand that they follow the laws in an unbiased way. We need the jail to be told to respect our rights and to stop abusing us. We need lawyers fighting for us. We need money for lawyers, perhaps even financial support to help pay for real food that we are forced to buy through commissary. I personally need money for a real lawyer and to help me get on my feet when we get out of here.
We need letters in our mail to remember that we aren’t as hated as the jail makes it seem like we are. We need actual conservative journalists to report on us AND to listen and show up to every one of our court hearings! We need this because most of the time its only liberal reporters and they either don’t report what’s important or twist the story!
We need help! We are Americans, veterans, citizens, we love our country and we don’t deserve this treatment from it. Please help as best you can!
Thank you,
Brandon Fellows
Political Prisoner 377943
***You can support his legal and living expenses here: is a project of Jim Hoft for the benefit of the public and to provide sunshine and publicity to the scores of political prisoners wrongfully imprisoned as a result of the protest on January 6th.
The post Heartbreaking Exclusive: J-6er with No Violent Charges and Who Was Welcomed Into Capitol by Police Suffers Incomprehensible Inhumane Treatment at DC Gulag — PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.