Jovan Pulitzer responded to Associated Press fact-checker, Ali Swenson. In doing so, he totally ate her lunch.
Pulitzer was responding to Ali’s request for information this week noted in the post below.
These communications started when Ali contacted The Gateway Pundit yesterday with the following email:
Dear Joe and The Gateway Pundit team, I’m a reporter with The Associated Press in New York. A recent article in The Gateway Pundit claims that 284,412 Maricopa County ballots, or 1 in 10, “could not be confirmed as the actual ballot the voter used to vote.” That’s false, according to Maricopa County, which explained in this document that auditors were looking in the wrong place for ballot images: We are going to be debunking the false claims. Would The Gateway Pundit like to provide more evidence or respond? Thanks, Ali Swenson
(Note her link didn’t work.) The post she requested information on is included in the article above.
We responded with the following after hearing from Jovan Pulitzer, whose information was included in the post.
I reached out to Jovan who provided the following information:
That is INCORRECT. I have the actual JSON files period and those folders are 100% corrupted.
This is the statement you speak of and this is not true and we cannot confirm it with Cyber Ninjas or the Senate.
We have the files ALL of them and the files and images for the amount stated are corrupted and unable to be opened.
Please let me know how you intend to proceed. The fact that Jovan is the source of the information we provided and that you used Maricopa County instead leads me to believe you may have ulterior motives other than the truth.
Can you please explain why you obtained the County’s response and not Jovan’s?
Ali then responded today with this note:
Hi all,
I assure you my priority is to report the facts. I reached out to The Gateway Pundit because it appeared to be the source that was circulating this claim most widely.
Jovan, if you can help me understand why you’ve assessed that Maricopa County’s explanation is false I’m interested to hear.
Ali Swenson
Here is Jovan Pulitzer’s epic response:
Please ignore any typos I am hammered but trying to honor all here with a reply.
SNIP””” Jovan, if you can help me understand why you’ve assessed that Maricopa County’s explanation is false I’m interested to hear.”””””
Ali, maybe because I am looking at the files right here in our system and see the files destroyed and unreadable. But don’t be fooled. They did not provide them in the first subpoena (providing a portion is NOT really supplying what was supposed to be supplied). If you needed images and I sent you a drive labeled images, but the images were partially corrupted, did I actually comply? No of course not. If they were asked to correct the bad transfer and they ignored it, did they comply?
These people could face serious legal trouble but the media gives them cover. The media as well doesn’t inspect their words fully and thinks just because they posted a snippet it must be true.
They did not fully comply with the subpoena and played games in handing over all the items. Even in the DC hearing they admitted such, but the media plays games and accepts their word salad. I have had to hire multiple teams to attempt to untangle and decode the original files (several hundred thousand of them) because they are simply not readable and as not readable they are not accessible and not being accessible they are not auditable and when they cannot be audited they are simply NOT present for the audit work. Not really a full audit if 10% is missing now is it?
As a reporter you cover trivial word salad, but why not the fact that ALL ballot boxes are supposed to be sealed and secured BY LAW? But only 52 hand-picked boxes were legally sealed. All of the other 1623 were unsealed, unsecured, and in total disarray. But I know you cannot print the truth. You are most likely not allowed to expose the truth!
Not a single other state has had this “ballot image problem”. In fact, the manufacturers guarantee the images HAVE to be there in order to be auditable. That is why they have ballot images in the first place. How convenient there is a significant portion which cannot be accessed? Coincidence?
The problem is the media – takes the word of the very people who will and should get in trouble for not maintaining the records according to Federal Statutes (and state laws too). All too often the media just regurgitates what they are told by the BOS while at the same time ignoring testimony by the same people’s word salad acknowledging they just did not comply.
Shameful Ali. They are all shameless and playing word games. If we cannot trust those to run the elections how can any of us have freedom in the future?
If you ever want the real truth, just reach out. That is if you are allowed to expose the real truth. You most likely have to follow what the big bosses say and allow. Trust me I do understand how both the news and AP work since one of my mentors, fellow board members, and close friend was the AP’s long-running Chairman. We talked for many hours about how the game is really played.
It’s really not fair. The poor young Ali was put in a terrible situation siding with Maricopa County on anything related to the 2020 Election.
The post EPIC: Jovan Pulitzer Eats the Lunch of ‘Fact Checker’ from Associated Press Spewing Maricopa County Talking Points appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.